Alzheimer’s disease, or simply AD, is a form of dementia. It is a serious neurological disorder, causing a person to lose memory and suffer from cognitive decline. The disease is asymptomatic and in time gets consistently worse. This is an incurable illness, which typically leads to death. Most often, Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed in elderly people, though it can attack the younger population, as well.

Alzheimer’s Syndrome and Consequences of the Disease
The progressive death of brain cells causes Alzheimer’s syndrome. It often results from a specific combination of genetic, behavioural, and environmental factors. Scientists do not yet understand entirely what causes this illness, but it is obvious that AD severely damages the brain.
Affected by this disease, the brain loses its cells and connections between them. Along with cells dying, the brain undergoes certain shrinkage. At first, the only symptoms of this process are mild confusion or increasing forgetfulness. However, in time, AD robs a patient of most of the memories. If a person does not undergo serious Alzheimer’s therapy, he or she starts suffering from disorientation, speaking and writing problems, social withdrawal, anxiety, and depression. Patients suffering from this disease lose their ability to think and reason, make judgments and decisions, and plan and perform even simple tasks.

Alzheimer’s Stem Cells Treatment at Swiss Medica ХХI Century
Stem cell therapy – the key treatment mode used in our clinic – is based on the insertion of new adult stem cells into mutilated tissue. Many specialists are sure that this method has the potential to alleviate the suffering of patients with AD. Stem cells have the unique ability to self-renew; they stimulate subsequent generating of certain tissues and the whole body.

The method of stem cells in Alzheimer’s treatment does not involve any donors. To create new beta cells we use the cells contained in the patient’s bone marrow and/or fat tissue. These mesenchymal stem cells help to repair different tissue types after they are injected into the human body. Having immune-modulatory properties, which are similar to those of cells from different origins, a patient’s own stem cells help in the regrowth of healthy brain tissue.
This method allows our specialists to repair the damage caused to people with AD in the progressive stages of the disease. Numerous scientific pieces of research prove that stem cells make a great contribution to rebuilding damaged nerve fibers. Additionally, because mesenchymal stem cells are a part of a patient’s body naturally, there is no risk of rejection, side effects, or allergic reactions.
Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy at Swiss Medica Clinic
Adult Autologous Stem Cell Therapy at Swiss Medica ХХI century is an innovative method of treatment used for a number of diseases. The absence of rejection, side effects, and immune reactions are explained by the relationship between the organism and its own mesenchymal stem cells. This is why a patient cannot be infected by transmissible illnesses. As adult stem cells are mature enough, the clients in our clinic are not in danger of oncological complications.
During the therapy process, no general anaesthesia is needed. Our specialists take small amounts of body tissue in order to reach the stem cells, placed in either bone marrow or abdominal area, which are both easily accessible. After this simple process is completed, stem cells are separated from the tissue and activated. Finally, they are returned to the patient’s body using a simple IV dip. All of this is done within only a couple of hours. The procedure is completely safe, quick, simple, and painless.

At Swiss Medica clinic, we take care of every patient and we always aspire to demonstrate the best results of our investigations and work. The team of highly qualified specialists is reinforced with the newest equipment and provides our clients with safe and effective treatment, proper aftercare, and further medical help.
Our clinic has developed the program of adult autologous stem cell therapy allowing the treatment of a variety of conditions, one of them being Alzheimer’s disease. In the process of stem cell treatment, 200–300 million cells are placed into the patient’s body. The amount of plain restored cells exceeds the person’s daily losses by thousands of times. Naturally, such active cell replenishment rejuvenates and renews separate organs and the whole body, displacing damaged and old cells.
Swiss Medica ХХI Century has been working for 20 years already. Its successful clinical experience covers the restoration and revitalization of the body. Our specialists prevent a number of serious age-related and chronic diseases. Working with modern technologies, we are constantly improving our knowledge, and developing skills and approaches in this field.
Undergoing treatment in our clinic, patients receive activated autologous mesenchymal stem cells therapy. The cells are taken from bone marrow or/and adipose. The procedures stop autoimmune aggression of the body on the cells producing insulin, renewing the pancreas’ destroyed areas and thus restoring their functions.
The Advantages of Our Treatment System:
- Side effects and rejection-free (patient’s very own stem cells from the abdomen and/or bone marrow are used).
- Avoidance of any allergic and immune reactions (patient’s own cells suit chromosomal and genetic structure).
- Does not require general anaesthesia.
- No risk of contamination by transmissible diseases.
- No oncological complications as adult stem cells in comparison to embryonic cells are rather mature.
- The procedure is very quick and simple. A small quantity of cells is extracted from bone marrow and/or fat tissue. A combination of the two can often show the best results.
- The period of time between getting lipoaspirate and injection of the activated stem cells is only a few hours.
- Adult stem cells are superior to embryonic stem cells because they don’t require the growth of several months and come from the patient’s own body, which is why there is no risk of side effects after the treatment.
The Swiss Medica ХХI Century clinic offers its clients safe and effective treatment supported by a team of highly qualified professionals. We realize the importance of conducting personalized care and promise proven results. Our aim is to reach the top standards of treatment for every patient – and we always succeed in it.
The Package Includes:
- Medical tests, diagnostics
- Doctors consultations (specialists in neurology, psychiatry, psychology, neurorehabilitation, and nutrition)
- Medications
- Stem cells therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Psychotherapy
- A specially developed individual balanced diet
- Follow-up if needed
- Transfer from/to the airport
- Interpretation services
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Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor