We waited every day for a miracle to happen and it happened.
Diana, mother of 4 years old Daniel with autism:
For parents who experienced exactly the same as me know what exactly means that you are able to sit on the sofa on Sunday and when you can watch at 5 o`clock when there is a family movie, and then your child sits next to you and you can sit as a family. Even if it`s 5 minutes and if it`s never happened before it`s a lot.
Daniel`s Story
And I remember Daniel was standing in the corner just wanting to go out and she said “Do you know anything about it? Did you ever hear anything?” I said “No”. “I think your son might be autistic”.
And I still remember that feeling that hot, that something very hot goes into you and I feel like hot showers like: no. He`s not.
Number of children with autism escalated by more than 50 percent in the last five years
It`s like somebody switched a child. It was difficult, the problems with the sleep, running constantly, it was difficult, but we came to that stage when we were not able to leave the house. We were not able to sit him in a buggy or walk on the street. All he wanted was just to be in my arms, stay at home, hug me tight, and nothing else.
Hyperactivity and aggression
Daniel became very active, constantly running, always running. It was strange that he didn`t reply. It wasn`t strange to me, because I thought it was normal. But my mom and my family, they said: “Why is he not saying in fluent language, why is he not trying to communicate with us?” I was afraid to have guests in my house because my son was naked. I was afraid to go to the shop because my son was screaming. I was so tired, of course, because for a year and a half I lived on a three-hour sleep in 24 hours.
Obsessions and repetitive behaviour
Daniel had obsessions with a toy, with Thomas toy. He could`ve played only with him. There was no other interest in other toy. If you wanted you could take him to any shop and say “Daniel, look choose any toy you want” he would go exactly for the same toy, exactly to the same shelf, and get exactly the same toy. There was Thomas all over my house.
High sensitivity and social interaction avoidance
His fourth birthday he spent on the stairs while all his friends were playing in the room because he couldn`t cope. He couldn`t cope with this whole noise. It was too much for him. He didn`t want to play with children, he always preferred playing on his own. If we go to playgrounds he would go straight away in the corner, he would go to play by himself. He never wanted a company. He find it so difficult especially when girls were screaming and playing he would go and cover his ears with his hands, he couldn`t cope, it was too much for him. So many times I had to just take him home. It was difficult to take him to a specialist`s room. He would want to go within a minute, he would want to go now and this is it. He would not cope with different places. It had to be this way, his way or no way. So I started spending more time at home.
Eating disorder
He was, after eating his food, his nappy was full, constantly lacking water. He wasn`t digesting his food. He was like, as soon he was eating and the nappy was full.
30% of children with autism also have epilepsy
Then at age of two and a half, we were back from where I`m from, and my son past out on the plane on landing. And since that day this kind of epileptic seizure started, two, three, four times a day. Vomiting, undigested food … it was crazy, we were afraid to even sleep, even that three hours when he was asleep because so many times when I have woke up in the morning, very early in the morning, and he would start vomiting all that he ate before he went to bed.
Moment of Decision
I thought what worse can be, then, we’re leaving a hell life now? We don`t enjoy our life. We don`t. Our child is like in a prison, constantly crying, constantly upset, constantly bloated, and pale. I could see that he is not enjoying his life. And, as a mom, it is my responsibility to do something, to do something to make sure that my son is ok. I never ever wanted to allow myself to believe there is nothing I could help, more than playing, interacting, and doing what is the best.
Stem Cells Treatment
So I did a lot of research on stem cells, I spoke with my husband, and it was between me and my husband – the decision. We found out there are two types, this and that, again not in UK, but in America, and other countries.
About the Clinic and the Procedure
The driver came and pick us up, we went to the Clinic and I was shocked with the welcoming we received from the clinic. The staff was brilliant, my son was so much loved, and he felt really good. We had couple of days, of course, consultation, we had blood tests taken, checking his conditions. A lot of doctors came in and checked how Daniel was, was he ok, was he going to cope. I`ve been shown the room, I`ve been shown everything, the entire clinic around. Couple of days later we had the stem cells treatment, we had after care, they`ve checked him, spoke with me, they comforted me, they were always with me saying: “Mom, it`s ok.” Then we went back to the apartment where we were staying. We went home and of course we waited every day for a miracle to happen, and it happened.
Treatment Results
My son playing upstairs in the room, and mom who sits and has a coffee. It never happened before. It was always screams and demands.
Better tolerance to various foods and improved digestion
The first thing we noticed was a flat tummy, no more bloated, ok, no more running down the stairs straight in the kitchen and grabbing and constantly asking me and demanding to eat now and more. He started leaving food on the plate. “Wow, you haven’t finished, you left food on a plate. When before you were asking me for more and going getting yourself.” We already ate more food; we even had a chocolate and had no reaction. As before, he would go through the roof.
More adequate behaviour at home and outside
In three years, we went to a restaurant. When I photographed and posted it on Facebook and all my friends, family and people who know us, they asked me if this is real. The waitress, she brought some coloured pencils so he drew on the paper. He waited for his juice, he waited for his made meal. Three years, and I was like on the second date but this time with my two men. Now we could do shopping easily, he doesn’t run, I don’t even need to hold his hand, I could say: “Daniel come back.” He listens. He comes back, and he waits. One other thing, he gives me all the products for me to scan it, and I put them in the bag, or we do the opposite.
Improved communication skills
If it`s too hot he is blowing, he`s asking me for a drink, bringing me cup and saying “Water”.
No more obsessions
He still likes high speed, trains, and he shows interest in the spiders, but there`s no Thomas, and I know that you know what that means to have Thomas all the time, Thomas hat, Thomas train, Thomas bedding, towels, Thomas … And you have none. You can bring a box, pack them, and put them in the loft because there is no more Thomas.
Improved self-care skills
When I walked into the room and saw his trousers, his top and socks he put on the bed ready to get dressed I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. And then I said: “Daniel let`s try, you can do it”. And somehow he managed. He managed to dress himself up. To me it was a shock, I called my husband straight away and said: “You won`t believe what happened.”
“It`s unbelievable how our life has changed”
Since we had stem cell treatment it`s been nine months. It`s unbelievable how our life has changed. Mom is calmer, dad is calmer. Why? Because our son is happy, now.
Contact us
For more information, get a free online consultation on the expected results of stem cell therapy for your case, what the treatment involves, the cost and duration.

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor