The main manifestation of sinusitis is inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses and includes the following symptoms: genyantritis, sinusitis, and sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis, depending on the type of sinus that is involved in the inflammatory process. This failure of the sinuses develops the pansinusitis that occurs when all the paranasal sinuses are inflamed and irritated. The main symptom of sinusitis is nasal congestion, which often becomes a huge and unsolvable problem. The most common causes of acute sinusitis are acute respiratory infections (ARI), influenza virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, staphylococcus and other pathogens. But what do you know about therapy of mesenchymal stem cells?

Complications of acute sinusitis may be a chronic process leading to frequent exacerbations, which may be the trigger in the development of allergies. Over the past few decades there has been marked a sharp jump in the allergies incidence. Today there are 5 subdivided variants of hypersensitivity reactions, one of which is responsible for allergic hyperreactive immune response.
Allergies occur when the foreign protein – allergen – enter the body eliciting a protective immune response. The result of an allergic reaction can be allergic shock, vasomotor rhinitis, urticaria, false croup, angioedema. The most common inflammatory disorder is bronchial asthma caused by bronchial hyperreactivity. The basic mechanism of the disease is the narrowing of the bronchi during an asthma attack, accompanied by bouts of breathlessness, and in severe cases, development of asthmaticus status.

- Allergen enters the body.
- The antigen-presenting cell takes up the allergen molecule and presents its epitopes, through the MHC II receptor. The activated antigen-presenting cell then migrates to the nearest lymph node.
- T cells (type of lymphocytes) are activated and recognize the allergen. They give the instruction for the T cell to differentiate to the Th2 cell.
- B cells (type of white blood cells) recognize the allergen through the activated Th2 cell.
- B cell would be activated.
- Differentiate into plasma cells, at which point they would actively synthesize antibodies of the IgE isotype.
- IgE antibody recognizes epitopes of the allergen molecule, circulates around the body through the lymphatic and cardiovascular systems and finally binds to its FcεRI receptor on mast and basophil cells.
- When the allergen re-enters the body it binds to the IgE, which is on the cell surface, resulting in an aggregation of the receptor causing the cells to release preformed mediators. One of these mediators is histamine which causes the 5 symptoms of allergic inflammation: heat, pain, swelling, redness and itchiness. Another mediator is IL-4, which affects more B cells to differentiate into plasma cells and produce more IgE and thus the vicious cycle continues.
It is, therefore, necessary, as early as possible, to carry out sanitation of foci of chronic infection – treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis, which is difficult to treat with traditional methods. Unfortunately, the treatment of allergies and asthma by classical methods nowadays is also ineffective without a stem cell therapy clinic. Existing modern technologies allow for the successful treatment of this disease and sinusitis, and allergic conditions and asthma. This method has been successfully applied in the practice of leading stem cell therapy clinic, Global Power LLC XXI.
Stem cells treatment for asthma attack
Adult Autologous Stem Cells are progenitor cells in the body. When treating asthma own stem cells will be taken from the bone marrow or adipose tissue and then cultured in a special laboratory. After reaching a certain number of these cells they will be administered to the patient intravenously. Stem cells have the unique property – they can differentiate into any other cell. They are important for initiation of changes in the appearance of lung tissue, and timely treatment will lead to a cure.

Global Power LLC ХХI Century has been working for 20 years already. Its successful clinical experience covers restoration and revitalization of the body. Our specialists prevent a number of serious age related and chronic diseases. Working with modern technologies, we are constantly improving our knowledge, developing skills and approaches in this field. There are RNA-based medications, stem cells therapy, and active cellular factors on the list of our technologies. We are ready to demonstrate our successful clinical experience in healing a number patients with T1DM to our clients.
When undergoing a treatment in our clinic, patients receive activated autologous mesenchymal stem cellstherapy. The cells are taken from bone marrow or/and adipose tissue. The procedures stop autoimmune aggression of the body againts the cells producing insulin, renew the pancreas‖ destroyed areas and thus restore their functions.
The advantages of our treatment for asthma:
- Absence of side effects and rejection by using the person’s own stem cells.
- Absence of any immune and allergic reactions (cells suit the patient’s genetic and chromosomal structure).
- No need for general anaesthesia.
- Impossibility of contamination by transmissible illnesses.
- Absence of oncological complications in view of adult stem cells maturity.
- Small amounts of the tissue needed for the therapy.
- The short period of time between making lipo-aspiration and injecting the activated stem cells to the patient.
- Good access to adipose tissue stem cells.

Global Power LLC ХХI Century clinic offers safe and effective treatments associated with a team of highly qualified professionals. We realize the importance of conducting personalized care and promise you proven results. Our aim is to reach the top standards of treatment for every patient – and we always succeed in it.
You can undergo a medical treatment in Moscow (Russia), Belgrade (Serbia), or Switzerland.
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